Our responsibility

Sustainable Development Goals

Guided by the international Sustainable Development Goals, we are committed to working with our employees, partners and customers to create a better and more sustainable world.
Our commitment and our values in the social and societal area can be found below and under “Corporate policy”

Code of Conduct and Environmental Policy

With our Code of Conduct and our Environmental Policy, we want to set out the values that apply to us in our day-to-day work.
You can download our Code of Conduct for Business Partners and our Environmental Policy here.

KSV Sustainability Report

We record our actions, our development and our goals in the area of sustainability in our sustainability reports.
We have been preparing these on a voluntary basis since 2021 in accordance with the criteria of the German Sustainability Code (DNK) and the specific standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
You can download our sustainability reports here.


For us, sustainability is a process.
We want our customers and suppliers in particular to participate in this.
For this reason, we make our rating transparent on the various environmental and supply chain platforms: IntegrityNextCDP

Our responsibility

Commitment to society, the environment, a healthy and safe working environment and compliance with the law are fundamental elements of our corporate culture.
As part of society, we bear responsibility for today’s and future generations.
As a family-owned company, we face up to this responsibility and take our path step by step in order to leave our children and all future generations an environment and future worth living in.

Environment and ecology

  • Sustainable Development Goals

    The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations serve as a guide for us to clearly define our goals and our commitment.
    In doing so, we do not only think within the boundaries of our company – but far beyond.
    Below you will find information on how we report on the topic of sustainability & CSR in our company and selected examples from our daily practice.

  • Sustainability reporting

    For us, sustainability means thinking about the future, acting now and learning from the past.
    Sustainability has been firmly anchored in our management system since 2021.
    As part of our annual reporting in accordance with the GRI standards, we want to make our goals, measures and progress in the area of sustainability transparent.
    Our reports are only published once they have been reviewed and approved by the DNK.

  • Renewable energies

    One aspect of sustainability to which we attach great importance as an electrical engineering company is the use of renewable energies.
    To this end, we have installed several photovoltaic systems on our company building, the majority of whose electricity output we use ourselves and thus save CO2 emissions compared to the consumption of “conventional electricity”.
    In addition, we primarily use a heat pump to heat our company building and thus not only save natural resources such as gas or oil, but also sustainably reduce CO2 emissions when heating our company building.
    Especially as we generate the electricity for the heat pump – at least in part – using our own photovoltaic systems.
    We also have a rainwater cistern and use the water obtained in this way as process and service water.

  • Paperless processes

    Digital processes mean less paper, less toner.
    This is good for the environment as natural resources are conserved, but also good for the company.
    Because digital processes also demonstrably save costs.
    In addition, monotonous activities such as filing and searching for documents are no longer necessary.
    KSV already uses digital processes in many areas.
    For example, we send quotations, order confirmations and invoices almost exclusively electronically as PDF documents.
    And in purchasing, we rely heavily on electronic data exchange formats such as EDI ( electronic data interchange) to exchange documents with our suppliers.
    However, we also try to avoid the use of paper internally as much as possible, be it through virtually paperless accounting by using electronic checking and approval processes or by using digital solutions in the areas of production and quality assurance.

  • Smart company building

    In our entire company building and the production halls, energy consumption is recorded and controlled via a building management system.
    For this purpose, the respective room temperature is continuously recorded and evaluated and compared with the target values and weather forecasts.
    Based on this information, the central control station controls the heating and ventilation components of the individual building areas individually.
    In addition, many social areas such as kitchens, canteens, etc. are equipped with presence detectors that specifically dim or switch off the lighting in these areas.
    And in the production halls and offices, we use constant light control with presence detectors.
    This not only creates ideal working conditions – as only the amount of artificial light actually required is added – but also helps to save energy.

  • Further information

    You can find more information on the topic of “Sustainability” in our download area.
    You can also download our sustainability reports there.

Social commitment

  • Children for a better word e.V.

    The children’s aid organization CHILDREN FOR A BETTER WORLD, based in Munich, was founded in 1994 by Gabriele Quandt and Dr. Florian Langenscheidt together with 30 committed personalities from all areas of society.
    The organization supports projects at home and abroad and has set itself the goal of improving the living conditions of children and young people in need and taking responsibility for their own lives.

    The former managing partner of KSV, Mr. Jochen Kortmann, is one of the founding members of the association – hence the close connection between CHILDREN FOR A BETTER WORLD and KSV.

    More at: www.children.de >>

  • Youth research

    In our diverse projects, it becomes clear time and again that we are dependent on always being at the cutting edge of technology.
    At the same time, we are facing a demographic challenge in Germany.
    This makes it all the more important for us as a technically oriented company to get children and young people interested in the fields of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology (STEM) at an early age and to discover talent at an early stage.

    JUGEND FORSCHT is Germany’s best-known competition for young talent in the STEM field!
    We regularly support the Remagen regional competition both financially and through the voluntary work of our Managing Director Andreas Frink on the jury – driven by the fascination of getting children and young people interested in technology.

    More at: www.jugend-forscht.de >>

  • Children's cancer ward Kemperhof

    Children and young people with cancer and congenital blood disorders can be treated at the Clinic for Pediatric Haematology and Oncology at Kemperhof.
    It is one of only two clinics in Rhineland-Palatinate for such treatments.
    The age spectrum of patients treated ranges from premature babies to the transition to adulthood.
    The aim of the clinic is to provide children and adolescents with a stay that is as age-appropriate as possible and, for example, to give them the opportunity to experience the clown doctors.
    The aim of the clinic is to offer children and adolescents an age-appropriate stay and, for example, a change from everyday hospital life through the clown doctors.
    In addition, the parents should also be given the opportunity, for example
    This can be achieved, for example, by providing free accommodation for parents to stay close to their children during treatment.
    We regularly support the work of the children’s cancer ward at Kemperhof and the parents’ initiative for children with cancer in Koblenz with donations to ensure that the children and young people affected have as good and pleasant a time as possible in hospital.
    More at: www.gk.de >> or www.eikkk.de >>

  • Bunter Kreis Rheinland e.V.

    Bunter Kreis Rheinland e.V. has set itself the goal of supporting families with a chronically, seriously ill or prematurely born child in their everyday lives.
    The association’s core concern is to make the transition from hospital treatment to outpatient care easier for families and to enable the smoothest possible transition from inpatient to outpatient care.
    In addition, the affected families should also receive long-term support and comprehensive family-oriented support in everyday life through a care network.
    As a family business, we are happy to support Bunter Kreis Rheinland e.V. in its work for the affected families and society through regular donations.
    More at: www.bunterkreis.de >>

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